Thursday, January 24, 2008

So much to say

Well, where do I begin? First off, I am so grateful to Gateway Church for allowing me to join in with their team and their family. I have learned so much from each one of them but most importantly, I have learned that the Body of Christ far extends the 4 walls of each church out there....I have seen the Body of Christ united here not just with their church but with all the believers joined here for one Glorify God! Today has to have been one of the best days for me so far, every day has been great, many life lessons learned, many new relationships formed, and many memories that I will forever cherish. This morning I spent the day in the "Store", a place where people can come and shop for the donations that we brought down with us...(Kathy, your baby stuff met many needs, I took many pictures... thank you and miss you!) I had the opportunity to help several men and women shop for clothes, school items, shoes, was awesome to connect with them, learn their story, and invest in their lives personally. One lady came in the store at the end of the morning session and was crying, at first, I thought Laci and Connie would help her, but then I was asked to help her too...after learning her story, her home burnt down 2 days prior and she was there to get needed items for her and her 2 girls. She was so thankful and gladly accepted the things we put in her trash bag crying the entire time...she needed double sheets, we only had twin, but she accepted them gratefully. Laci, Connie, Susan, Becky and I prayed with her before she left and walked her to the end of the drive to catch a taxi. I thought on my way back to Harmony House...what if that was me? How would I react or respond? God gave us all an opportunity to be an extension of His arms, mouth and love to her. Praise God! This afternoon I was on "marl haul" again...which has become my favorite service opportunity. I was able to get to know my team on a deeper level, nothing like carrying a 30 lb. bag of rocks on your back...good times! I am learning so much here, and am thankful for every opportunity. I know that the full extent that God is trying to show me is yet to be learned and will come with time. There is no way to process in one week all God is showing each of us. I again, am very thankful for this group and am going to miss each one of them!!!Gotta go, the bus is about to leave me!!!! love to my Homey's and my roomies too!!!

love you Mom and Dad!!!
Amy Hayward

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